Do you believe in teaching intolerance to your kids? If so, read this article here about a controversy this week about the "No Name Calling Week" in public schools across the nation from January 26-30.
Apparently, some parents and conservative organizations believe Armageddon has arrived because schools during this week will be teaching certain adolescent books that feature gay characters. They call it propaganda rather than tolerance. they call it filth.
I say to them: Let your children get to know these characters. After all, these are only fictional characters; they don't exist in your version of the real world. Inside your gated community of palatial mansions and BMWs, gays apparently are incognito. And gays will never drop by at your church (well, except those who live in the land of Dorothy). At the same time, go on and teach your kids what you'd like to teach at home, including your own interpretation of the Bible's stance on homosexuality. For God's sake, give your children just a few "tools--your Bible, the credit cards, and a cell phone--to survive in this secular world. Diversity? That is one buzz word that can only mean the varied types of cultures that you safely watch on TV on special holidays. Besides, who needs diversity, when the maid is already brown or black, and the gardener is already brown or black, and the delivery boy is a "Chink."
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