The season for Oscar and other similar media nominations (see write-up below) is upon us. Not to be left behind, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation also issued its annual nominations for media awards. Not surprisingly, "Milk" the biopic of Harvey Milk, the slain San Francisco city supervisor, leads the way. Other nominees who entered the roster of honor includes such popular gay-friendly shows as "Desperate Housewives," "Brothers and Sisters," and "Ugly Betty."
But what about recognitions for the worst, anti-gay-friendly shows? What about reality shows like "Rock of Love with Bret Michael" that denigrate women, including bisexual women? Many cable networks have trashy shows that depict gays overly feminized or lesbians as overly manly. For the latter, a case in point is MTV's "A Shot at Love."
Perhaps it is time to recognize these sleazy shows and give them the awards they deserve.
Gay and Lesbian Group Lists Award Nominees
Compiled by DAVE ITZKOFF
Published: January 27, 2009
“Milk,” directed by Gus Van Sant, was among five movies nominated by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for outstanding wide-release film in itsannual media awards. The organization, which said its awards seek to recognize “fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community,” also named “Vicky Cristina Barcelona,” “Brideshead Revisited,” “Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist” and “RocknRolla” in this category. Among TV series, “Brothers & Sisters,” “The L Word,” “South of Nowhere,” “Torchwood” and “True Blood” were nominated for outstanding drama, and “Desperate Housewives,” “Greek,” “Reaper,” “Skins” and “Ugly Betty” were nominated for comedy. Winners are to be honored at events in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco in the spring.
Source: New York Times, January 27, 2009
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